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If you’ve never done it before, humane trapping can seem a little intimidating. That’s one of the reasons we try to employ a “learning model” with NACC. We have the traps, we have the knowledge, we have the experience, YOU have the cats! The more we can teach you, the more you learn and the more knowledge you have to share with others. As part of the “education” part of our mission statement, we encourage all colony caregivers who are physically able to participate in the trapping of their colonies.

Of course, we’re here to talk you through it. We can show you in person how to set the traps and give advice on the best ways to encourage the kitties to enter, as well as how to navigate the recovery process. But it’s nice to have written instructions to fall back on when it’s 9:30pm and you’re pretty sure you did it all right but you’re starting to doubt yourself just the littlest bit.

Clicking the button below will open up a .pdf of our NACC Trapping Guidance packet. You’ll find a “quick check” page—basically a cheat sheet/overview list of the TNR process—as well as detailed instructions on everything from what to bait with to when it’s safe to to let them run off into the sunset.