Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question for us that is not addressed here please contact us for more information.

What areas do you cover?
Our area of operation is northern Accomack County, Virginia. We work from the border with Maryland down to Onley, with an eastern border of Wattsville. We do not provide services on Chincoteague Island. Please see our coverage map.

What do you charge for a cat to be TNR'd?
The cost is $25 per cat. This includes both spay/neuter and a rabies vaccination. Please be aware that we can only provide servies to community cats at this time.

Can I get a voucher for spaying/neutering my cat?
We are not able to provide vouchers for spay/neuter services. Most voucher programs are run through local governments and municipalities. We firmly believe in the value of voucher programs and encourage residents of Accomack County to contact their elected leadership for both their counties of residence and their municpalities and ask them to consider funding for spay/neuter voucher programs.

Can you trap and relocate cats?
We cannot and do not relocate community cats. Not only does relocation have a high failure rate, but it creates a vacuum effect in the colony the cats are removed from, which exacerbates the problems the colony is already facing. Trap-Neuter-Return is the healthiest option for both community cats and the humans who live around them. For more information on vacuum effect and why TNR'd colonies are stable colonies, please read this write-up over at Carol's Ferals.

Do you lend traps?
We do, based on availability. We charge a deposit of $10 per trap, fully refundable to you when traps are returned to us. Please contact us for more details.

How can I keep cats off my property?
There are a variety of non-lethal methods that discourage cats from entering designated spaces. Best Friends Animal Society has some tips to get you started.

Can you help me find a home for a cat?
Northern Accomack Community Cats is not a rescue organization--we are a TNR group. We do not have a facility or program for sheltering or rehoming cats. Please see this list of nearby shelters and rescues you can contact to help find a cat a new home.

I found a litter of kittens, can you take them?
We are not a rescue or shelter. While we may from time to time take kittens into foster, we are largely limited to kittens from colonies we are working to TNR. Please see this list of nearby shelters and rescues you can contact to help find placement for kittens. (Please also take a moment to check out our K.I.T.S. information before "saving" a litter of kittens from a colony situation!)